Three-week session classes are 1–3 credit hours or credit units, offered from various academic departments and colleges. Classes typically require three to four hours each day (Monday through Friday), per the class's set credit hours.
Because of the accelerated pace of the three-week session classes, a maximum load of 6 credit hours for undergraduate students and 3 credit hours for graduate students is allowed. Students wishing to enroll in more than the maximum credit hours must have written approval from their academic advisor.
Three-week session classes may be canceled due to insufficient enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances. Decisions regarding three-week session classes will be made based on the number of registrations (early enrollment ensures that classes will have enough enrollments to be offered). Students will be notified by email if their class is canceled. Students who enrolled in a canceled class have the option of enrolling in another class or obtaining a full refund.
An eBill notification will be sent to your Loper email account for all Spring 2025 classes (regardless of start date) on January 30th and due February 20th.
The three-week session course will appear within the Spring term on your academic transcript. The grade and credit hours will be included in the term and cumulative hours and GPA for the Spring semester.
A refund is generated when the financial aid you receive for a semester exceeds your bill. If you enroll in the three-week session and the spring semester and your financial aid exceed your charges for both periods of enrollment, you will receive a refund on or about January 7th.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Because the three-week session is attached to the spring semester for financial aid, enrolling and completing the three-week session class/classes in which you register is important. Enrolling and then withdrawing from a three-week session course after it starts can result in federal financial aid's required repayment. This may impact your eligibility for the remaining spring semester. Please consult with the financial aid office if you start a three-week session course and then feel you must withdraw.
Refunds are based on the class length and the date that the course is dropped. Class length is based on the start and end date (calendar days include weekends & holidays) of the class as advertised in the official class schedule. It is NOT based on class meeting times. Classes cannot be dropped after the three-fourths-point of the course. Due to the accelerated schedule, the amount of time you have to receive a refund after dropping the course is less.
Class Scheduled for three weeks (18 days)
Day 1 100%
Day 2 50%
Day 3 25%
Day 4 25%
Refunds for courses dropped the first day must be manually processed by the Office of the University Registrar.
Class Scheduled for 2 weeks (12 days)
Must drop prior to Day 1 for 100% tuition refund
Day 1 75%
Day 2 25%
Class Scheduled for 1 week (5 days)
Must drop prior to Day 1 for 100% tuition refund
Day 1 25%
Undergraduate students may retake a class during the three-week session to improve their grade. See Repeat Course Policy in the Undergraduate Catalog for full details. Consultation with your academic advisor is highly recommended.
Three-week session courses will be graded by January 21st and will be included in your cumulative grade point average and term GPA for Spring 2025. Grades will be available to students in MyBLUE. A student’s academic standing is completed twice a year at the conclusion of the Fall and Spring term.
Students wishing to change the grading option for their course to credit no credit must do so by the end of the first day of the course. Please review the Credit/No Credit policy before declaring this option.
Please review the Incomplete Grade policy found on the bet36365体育 website.
Students dropping a class must do so in MyBLUE. Students who fail to attend class may receive an "F" unless they formally drop the class on MyBLUE.
Books must be ordered via the bet36365体育 Online textbook store at The Spirit Shop no longer carries books in the store. Books can be shipped to the store for pick up for free, or shipped to your home address. We will have limited hours over break. Please call 308.865.8555 to verify the hours we will be open over break.
The Calvin T. Ryan library will be open for the following hours January 2nd to January 17th :
Monday – Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
The Library website, with access to over 80,000 full-text periodicals and 215,000 e-books, is always available.
Questions may be asked at the Ask-a-Librarian Service
Normal semester hours will resume on January 21st.
Yes, there are disability services available to students during the spring three-week session. To receive accommodation for a disability, students must be registered with the bet36365体育 Disabilities Services for Students (DSS) office and request accommodations for the current term. Please contact: Disability Services for Students, 175 Memorial Student Affairs Building, 308-865-8214 or by email
The three-week session for financial aid purposes is attached to the spring semester.The financial aid awarded to you for the spring term will apply to your three-week session class/classes. You will not receive additional financial aid for the three-week session.
If you have been awarded financial aid as a full-time student, your combined enrollment from the three-week session plus spring semester will be used to confirm your enrollment status. For example, if you are an undergraduate taking three credit hours in the three-week session and nine credit hours in the spring term starting January 21st, you will be eligible for full-time financial aid.
If you enrolled in both the three-week session and spring semester, your financial aid would apply to your charges for both periods of enrollment on January 2nd. Students who opt to NOT enroll in the three-week session will have their financial aid released to their charges on January 13th.