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Dr. Wysocki has completed his undergraduate studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland and has obtained his PhD degree in Physics from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Before coming to bet36365体育, he worked at Cornell University, Ames Laboratory, and Virginia Tech.
Dr. Wysocki has taught various General Physics classes, Mathematical Techniques in Physics, Computational Methods in Physics and Astronomy, Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics, and Solid State Physics.
Dr. Wysocki’s research interests are in the area of computational materials science, with a particular emphasis on magnetic materials and their applications in spintronics, sustainable energy, and quantum information technologies.
Nature of hyperfine interactions in TbPc2 single-molecule magnets: Multireference ab-initio study, A.L. Wysocki and K. Park, Inorg. Chem. 59, 2771 (2020).
Spin-density fluctuations and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in 3d ferromagnetic metals, A. L. Wysocki et al., Phys. Rev. B 96, 184418 (2017).
Micromagnetic simulations with periodic boundary conditions: Hard-soft nanocomposites,
A.L. Wysocki and V.P. Antropov. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 428, 274 (2017).
Bulk magnetoelectricity in the hexagonal manganites and ferrites, H. Das, A.L. Wysocki, Y. Geng, W. Wu, and C.J. Fennie Nature Communications 5, 2998 (2014).
Microscopic origin of the structural phase transitions at the Cr2O3 (0001) surface, A.L. Wysocki, Siqi Shi, K.D. Belashchenko, Phys. Rev. B 86, 165443 (2012).
Consistent model of magnetism in ferropnictides, A.L. Wysocki, K.D. Belashchenko, V.P. Antropov, Nature Physics 7, 482 (2011).
First-principles analysis of spin-disorder resistivity of Fe and Ni, A.L. Wysocki, R.F. Sabirianov, K.D. Belashchenko, M. van Schilfgaarde, Phys. Rev. B 80, 224423 (2009).