Dr. Jia Huang


Office: DSCH 377   |    Phone: (308) 865-8494   |    Email: huangj2@yopin365.com

Dr. Jia Huang



Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Nebraska at Kearney, 2023--present

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Nebraska at Kearney, 2018--2023

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Nebraska at Kearney, 2014--2018

Postdoctoral Associate, School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2013--2014


Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China


Current Teaching (Fall 2024) 

  • MATH 102 Colledge Algebra, MATH 413 Discrete Mathematics, MATH 460 Advanced Calculus I
  • Course materials and other useful resources are available on Canvas.
  • Office hours: MWF 10:00AM--11:10AM, 2:30PM--3:15PM or by appointment
Courses Taught at bet36365体育
  • MATH 102 College Algebra, MATH 103 Plane Trigonometry, MATH 120 Finite Mathematics, MATH 123 Applied Calculus I, MATH 115 Calculus I with Analytic Geometry, MATH 202 Calculus II with Analytic Geometry, MATH 250 Foundations of Math, MATH 260 Calculus III, MATH 280 Linear Algebra, MATH 310 College Geometry, MATH 350 Abstract Algebra, MATH 365 Complex Analysis, MATH 400 History of Mathematics, MATH 404 Theory of Numbers, MATH 413 Discrete Mathematics, MATH 460 Advanced Calculus I, MATH 864 Geometry for Teachers (new course development)
Courses Taught at the University of Minnesota
  • MATH 1272 Calculus II, MATH 1372 CSE Calculus II, MATH 2263 Multivariable Calculus


My research interests include Discrete Mathematics and its connections with other fields (more specifically, Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics, Combinatorial Representation Theory, and Graph Theory).

I received my Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota under the supervision of Professor Victor Reiner. My Thesis is 0-Hecke algebra actions on flags, polynomials, and Stanley-Reisner rings.

I use mathematics software such as GAP, Magma, and Sage in my research.

I am the organizer for the annual bet36365体育 Undergraduate Research Mathematics Mini-Symposium: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 (canceled due to COVID), 2022, 2023, 2024.

Recent Presentations:

Recent Publications:

See also my Google Scholar profile and my ResearchGate profile.

Student Research:

I have mentored the following students through bet36365体育's Undergraduate Research Fellows program:

News and Links

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About math

The shortest length needed to make a Möbius strip

Generating all primes from one constant  (video, paper)

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02/02/2020 -- the first global palindrome day in 909 years

A Big Bang Theory Episode Inspired A Mathematical Discovery

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Coloring the Plane

The largest Known Prime Number (As of January 2018)

World of Numbers