Dr. Haiwei Lu

Assistant Professor

Office: BHS 201B   |    Phone: (308) 865-8661   |    Email: luh@yopin365.com

Dr. Haiwei Lu


Areas of Interest:

  • Plant biotechnology
  • Genetic engineering
  • Genomics


  • B.S. (2011) – Beijing Forestry University (Beijing, P.R. of China)
  • PhD. (2019) – Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR)

Professional Affiliations:

  • American Society of Plant Biologists


  • Lu, H.  Identification and functional characterization of genes that regulate biomass production, floral development, and leaf senescence in populus species using genetic engineering and bioinformatics tool.  Oregon State University. PhD.


  • Liu, Y., Zhang, F., Devireddy, A.R., Ployet, R.A., Rush, T.A., Lu, H., Hassan, M.M., Yuan, G., Rajput, R., Islam, M.T., Agrawal, R., Abraham, P.E., Chen, J.G., Muchero, W., Martin, F., Veneault-Fourrey, C., and Yang, X.  2024.  A small secreted protein serves as a plant-derived effector mediating symbiosis between Populus and Laccaria bicolor.  Horticulture Research: uhae232.
  • Yao, T., Zhang, J., Yates, T.B., Shrestha, H.K., Engle, N.L., Ployet, R., John, C., Feng, K., Bewg, W.P., Chen, M.S.S., Lu, H., Harding, S.A., Qiao, Z., Jawdy, S.S., Shu, M., Yuan, W., Mozaffari, K., Harman-Ware, A.E., Happs, R.M., York, L.M., Binder, B.M., Yoshinaga, Y., Daum, C., Tschaplinski, T.J., Abraham, P.E., Tsai, C.J., Barry, K., Lipzen, A., Schmutz, J., Tuskan, G.A., Chen, J.G., and Muchero, W.  2023.  Expression quantitative trait loci mapping identified PtrXB38 as a key hub gene in adventitious root development in Populus.  New Phytologist 239: 2248-2264.
  • Yuan, G., Lu, H., De, K., Hassan, M.M., Liu, Y., Islam, M.T., Muchero, W., Tuskan, G.A., and Yang, X.  2023.  Split selectable marker systems utilizing inteins facilitate gene stacking in plants. Communications Biology 6: 567.
  • Yao, T.*, Yuan, G.*, Lu, H.*, Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Tuskan, G.A., Muchero, W., Chen, J.G., and Yang, X.  2023.  CRISPR/Cas9-based gene activation and base editing in Populus.  Horticulture Research 10: uhad085. (*co-first authors)
  • Yuan, G., Lu, H., De, K., Hassan, M.M., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Muchero, W., Abraham, P.E., Tuskan, G.A., and Yang, X.  2022.  An intein-mediated split–nCas9 system for base editing in plants.  ACS Synthetic Biology 11(7): 2513-2517.
  • Hu, R., Zhang, J., Jawdy, S., Sreedasyam, A., Lipzen, A., Wang, M., Ng, V., Daum, C., Keymanesh, K., Liu, D., Lu, H., Ranjan, P., Chen, J.G., Muchero, W., Tschaplinski, T.J., Tuskan, G.A., Schmutz, J., and Yang, X.  2022.  Comparative genomics analysis of drought response between obligate CAM and C3 photosynthesis plants.  Journal of Plant Physiology 277: 153791.
  • Yuan, G.*, Lu, H.*, Weston, D.J., Jawdy, S., Tschaplinski, T.J., Tuskan, G.A., and Yang, X.  2022.  Reporter genes confer new-to-nature ornamental traits in plants.  Horticulture Research 9: uhac077. (*co-first authors)
  • Yuan, G., Hassan, M.M., Yao, T., Lu, H., Vergara, M.M., Labbé, J.L., Muchero, W., Pan, C., Chen, J.G., Tuskan, G.A., Qi, Y., Abraham, P.E., and Yang, X.  2021.  Plant-based biosensors for detecting CRISPR-mediated genome engineering.  ACS Synthetic Biology 10(12): 3600-3603.
  • Yuan, G.*, Lu, H.*, Tang, D.*, Hassan, M.M., Li, Y., Chen, J.G., Tuskan, G.A., and Yang, X.  2022.  Expanding the application of a UV-visible reporter for transient expression and stable transformation in plants.  Horticulture Research 8: 234. (*co-first authors)
  • Yang, X., Liu, D., Lu, H., Weston, D.J., Chen, J.G., Muchero, W., Martin, S., Liu, Y., Hassan, M.M., Yuan, G., Kalluri, U.C., Tschaplinski, T.J., Mitchell, J.C., Wullschleger, S.D., and Tuskan, G.A.  2021.  Biological parts for plant biodesign to enhance land-based carbon dioxide removal.  BioDesign Research: 9798714.
  • Goralogia, G., Howe, G.T., Brunner, A.M., Helliwell, E., Nagle, M., Ma, C., Goddard, A., Magnuson, A.C., Klocko, A.L., Lu, H., and Strauss, S.H.  2021.  Overexpression of SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE-LIKE (SVL) in Populus delays onset and reduces abundance of flowering in field-grown trees.  Horticulture Research 8: 167.
  • Hu, X.L.*, Lu, H.*, Hassan, M.M., Zhang, J., Yuan, G., Abraham, P.E., Chen, J.G., Tschaplinski, T.J., Doktycz, M.J., Tuskan, J.A., Cheng, Z.M., and Yang, X.  2021.  Advances and perspectives in discovery and functional analysis of small secreted proteins in plants.  Horticulture Research 8: 130. (*co-first authors)
  • Yang, X., Medford, J.I., Markel, K., Shih, P., De Paoli, H.C., Trinh, C.T., McCormick, A.J., Ployet, R., Hussey, S.G., Myburg, A.A., Jensen, P.E., Hassan, M.M., Zhang, J., Muchero, W., Kalluri, U.C., Yin, H., Zhuo, R., Abraham, P., Chen, J.G., Weston, D., Yang, Y., Liu, D., Li, Y., Labbe, J., Yang. B., Lee, J., Cottingham, R.W., Martin, S., Lu, M.Z., Tschaplinski, T.J., Yuan, G., Lu, H., Ranjan, P., Mitchell, J., Wullschleger, S.D., and Tuskan, G.A.  2020.  Plant biosystems design research roadmap 1.0.   BioDesign Research: 8051764.
  • Yuan, G., Hassan, M.M., Liu, D., Lim, S.D., Yim, W.C., Cushman, J.C., Markel, K., Shih, P.M., Lu, H., Weston, D.J., Chen, J.G., Tschaplinski, T.J., Tuskan, G.A., and Yang, X.  2020.  Biosystems design to accelerate C3-to-CAM progression.  BioDesign Research.
  • Lu, H., Yuan, G., Strauss, S.H., Tschaplinski, T.J., Tuskan, G.A., Chen, J.G., and Yang, X.  2020.  Reconfiguring plant metabolism for biodegradable plastic production.  BioDesign Research.
  • Lu, H., Gordon, M.I., Amarasinghe, V., and Strauss, S.H.  2020.  Extensive transcriptome changes during seasonal leaf senescence in field-grown black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Nisqually-1).  Scientific Reports 10: 6581.
  • Lu, H., Klocko, A.L., Brunner, A.M., Ma, C., Magnuson, A.C., Howe, G.T., An, X., and Strauss, S.H.  2019.  RNAi suppression of AGAMOUS and SEEDSTICK alters floral organ identity and impairs floral organ determinacy, ovule differentiation, and seed-hair development in Populus.  New Phytologist 222: 923–937.
  • Klocko, A.L., Lu, H., Magnuson, A.C., Ma, C., and Strauss, S.H.  2018.  Phenotypic expression and stability in a large-scale field study of genetically engineered poplars containing sexual containment transgenes.  Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 6: 100.
  • Chang, S., Mahon, E.L., MacKay, H.A., Rottmann, W.H., Strauss, S.H., Pijut, P., Powell, W.A., Coffey, V., Lu, H., Mansfield, S.D., and Jones, T.J.  2018.  Genetic engineering of trees: Progress and new horizons.  In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant 54(4): 341-376.
  • Strauss, S.H., Jones, K.N., Lu, H., Petit, J.D., Klocko, A.L., Betts, M.G., Brosi, B.J., Fletcher, R.J., and Needham. M.D.  2017.  Reproductive modification in forest plantations: Impacts on biodiversity and society.  New Phytologist, 213(3): 1000-1021.
  • Klocko, A.L., Brunner, A.M., Huang, J., Meilan, R., Lu, H., Ma, C., Morel, A., Zhao, D., Ault, K., Dow, M., Shevchenko, O., and Strauss, S.H.  2016.  Containment of transgenic trees by suppression of LEAFY.  Nature Biotechnology 34(9): 918-922.
  • Lu, H., Klocko, A.L., Dow, M., Ma, C., Amarasinghe, V., and Strauss, S.H.  2016.  Low frequency and deleterious impacts from zinc finger nuclease mutagenesis in Populus.  Molecular Breeding 36(9): 121.
  • Lu, H., Viswanath, V., Ma, C., Etherington, E., Dharmawardhana, P., Shevchenko, O., Strauss, S.H., Pearce, D.W., Rood, S.B., and Busov, V.  2015.  Recombinant DNA modification of gibberellin metabolism alters growth rate and biomass allocation in Populus.  Tree Genetics & Genomes 11(6): 1-16.